Dental Implants – Waco, TX

Get Your Smile Back
For Life

There are more teeth replacement options than ever these days, but if you talk to dentists around the world, they will all tell you that dental implants are by far the best. Why? Because they bring back an entire tooth, something which no other treatment does, and this helps a patient look and feel like they’ve gotten their natural teeth back. Dr. Patel has several years of experience providing dental implants for dentures and other appliances, so if you’re ready to get your smile back, contact The Denture Gallery today to get started.

Why Choose The Denture Gallery for Dental Implants?

  • On-Site
    Dental Lab
  • Implant Procedure Completed In Office
  • Multiple Sedation Options Available

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a small post placed into the jawbone to mimic the missing root structure of a tooth. Made of titanium, this metal encourages a process called osseointegration, in which the surrounding bone actually bonds directly with the metal. This creates a strong foundation for a denture or bridge to be placed on top, creating new teeth that look natural and are extremely stable.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

  • Initial Dental Implant Consultation: Dr. Patel will examine your mouth, take some X-rays, and ask about your dental and medical history to help you decide whether or not dental implants would be right for you.
  • Dental Implant Surgery: If you decide to get dental implants, you’ll be scheduled for their placement, which involves undergoing a minor surgery during which Dr. Patel will position the new roots within your jawbone.
  • Healing Period: Over the next three to six months, your mouth will heal, and your jawbone will grow around the implants to hold them firmly in place.
  • Delivery of Dental Implant Restoration: Once your mouth is ready, you’ll return to Dr. Patel to receive your permanent restoration or denture.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Over 5 million dental implants are placed every year, and the reason this number continues to grow is that they offer several benefits you can’t get with other treatments:

  • The new teeth never slip
  • Implants sit within the gum line, so they look just like real teeth
  • The implant posts support the jawbone and prevent bone loss
  • Regular brushing and flossing is all that’s needed to care for implants
  • They routinely last for many happy years

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Practically any adult with tooth loss can be a good candidate for dental implants. The biggest determining factors are whether or not a patient’s jawbone is strong enough to support implants, plus they need to be healthy enough to undergo oral surgery. Based on your situation, Dr. Patel can tailor the procedure to meet your exact needs.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Instead of anchoring a partial denture to nearby teeth, Dr. Patel can place two or more implants to serve as the base of your prosthetic. This will not only make the teeth more stable, but will also allow him to preserve your remaining dental structure.

Missing All of Your Teeth

An entire row of teeth can be replaced using just three to four implants. A denture will snap right onto them. Implant dentures are several times stronger than removable ones, restoring about 70% of a patient’s bite force, plus they don’t shift out of place during eating and speaking.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Each step of the dental implant process incurs its own cost, and these steps can vary in price depending on a patient’s situation. Someone who needs four implants will pay more for the procedure than someone who just needs two, for example. We’ll outline your treatment plan and the associated costs at your consultation, and we’ll also show you how to use your insurance and financing to make paying for everything nice and easy.