Tooth Extractions – Waco, TX

Safe & Comfortable
Tooth Removal

When it’s time to get full dentures, any remaining teeth have to be removed to make room for the prosthetic. For this treatment, our team at The Denture Gallery will help you stay calm and comfortable throughout your visit. Once your teeth have been removed, we can move on to the next step of creating and placing a denture custom-made just for you. Call us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

Why Choose The Denture Gallery for Tooth Extractions?

  • In-Office Board-Certified Anesthesiologist/CRNA
  • Gentle and Friendly
    Dental Team
  • State of the Art
    Dental Technology

Routine Tooth Extractions

Routine extractions are also known as simple extractions. They are performed on visible teeth – in other words, those that have successfully broken through your gum tissue. During a routine extraction, the mouth is numbed, and an instrument called an elevator is used to loosen the tooth. Then we take a pair of forceps and gently rock the tooth back and forth until it’s ready to come out. A routine extraction can take about 20 to 40 minutes on average for a single tooth, but additional teeth will add to the time.

Complex Tooth Extractions

When a tooth is still trapped underneath the gums or jawbone, surgery is needed to remove it. This is known as a complex tooth extraction. After numbing the mouth, small amounts of gum and bone tissue are removed so that we can achieve access to the tooth in question. Sometimes it’s not possible to remove the entire tooth all at once; we’ll need to divide it into sections and take it out one piece at a time instead. This approach allows us to make smaller incisions, leading to a faster recovery.